295-A, Sector K, Ashiyana Colony, Kanpur Road, Lucknow-226012

Anxiety Disorder Treatment

Anxiety affects everyone in different ways. Sometimes, the feelings of fear and dread don't go away or get worse over time. Here, you can learn about anxiety, who it affects, and how to manage it.

What is anxiety?

Anxiety is your body's natural response to stress. It's a feeling of fear or apprehension about what's to come. For example, going to a job interview or giving a speech on the first day of school may cause some people to feel fearful and nervous.

But if your feelings of anxiety are extreme, last for at least 6 months, and are interfering with your life, you may have an anxiety disorder.

What are anxiety disorders?

It's normal to feel anxious about moving to a new place, starting a new job, or taking a test. This type of anxiety is unpleasant, but it may motivate you to work harder and do a better job. Ordinary anxiety is a feeling that comes and goes but doesn't interfere with your everyday life.

In the case of an anxiety disorder, the feeling of fear may be with you all the time. It's intense and sometimes debilitating.

This type of anxiety may cause you to stop doing things you enjoy. For example, it may prevent you from entering an elevator, crossing the street, or even leaving your home in extreme cases. If left untreated, the anxiety will keep getting worse.

Anxiety disorders are the most common form of emotional disorder and can affect anyone. But, according to the American Psychiatric Association, women are more likely than men to receive a diagnosis of an anxiety disorder.

What are the types of anxiety disorders?

Anxiety is a vital part of several different disorders. These include:

Panic disorder. This means you experience recurring panic attacks at unexpected times.

Phobia. This is an excessive fear of a specific object, situation, or activity.

Social anxiety disorder. This is an extreme fear of being judged by others in social situations.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder. This means you have recurring irrational thoughts that lead you to perform specific, repeated behaviors.

Separation anxiety disorder. This means you have a fear of being away from home or your loved ones.

Illness anxiety disorder. This is anxiety about your health (formerly called hypochondria).

In addition, a number of mental health and medical conditions may feature anxiety as a symptom. These include:

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This is anxiety following a traumatic event.

Major depressive disorders. A strong relationship exists between depression and anxiety.

Chronic disease. Managing conditions such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and diabetes may result in anxiety symptoms.

Inflammatory conditions. Anxiety can lead to chronic inflammation and diseases such as arthritis

Substance use disorders: many people with anxiety may try to self-medicate to help manage their symptoms.

Chronic pain. Anxiety is often foundTrusted Source in those with chronic pain disorders.